7 Reasons Ghost Blogging Is The Solution

7 Reasons Ghost Blogging Is The Solution

Don’t you just love being confined to a small seat for two and a half hours? I always bring my iPad and a few things to do, knowing there’s not much else you can do on a 2 ½ hour domestic flight. You’re crammed into a tight space, two other people in your row all...

The 3 Percent – 67 Percent – 30 Percent Rule For Blog Posts

When you are networking, meeting people for lunch, or creating content for your social sites, what is your assumption for your target market? That everyone around you is ready and waiting for you and your products or services, right? They simply can’t wait to do...
3 Easy Ways To Keep Your Blog Filled With Content

3 Easy Ways To Keep Your Blog Filled With Content

Ask 100 people what the most difficult part of blogging is and I bet you’ll hear one of two answers. 1. I hate writing; I never know what to write about. 2. I don’t have the time to write, something else always gets in the way. When I tell people I’m a ghost blogger...
4 Reasons Its Time To Hire A Ghost Blogger

4 Reasons Its Time To Hire A Ghost Blogger

“What would you do if you had an extra hour in every workday, and an extra client as a result of not having to work that hour? What would that mean to you? I’m Lori with The Social Ghost. As a ghost blogger, I do all the writing; you get all the credit. What could be...
Why Creating Blog Content Is So Difficult

Why Creating Blog Content Is So Difficult

Have a blog? Then you probably understand how difficult it can be coming up with new things to write about again and again. And again. You probably started out with good intentions. You wrote faithfully day after day, week after week. Until life got in the way. And...