“What would you do if you had an extra hour in every workday, and an extra client as a result of not having to work that hour? What would that mean to you? I’m Lori with The Social Ghost. As a ghost blogger, I do all the writing; you get all the credit. What could be better than that?”

I said that at my recent networking event. And immediately following the event, I had several people walk up to me wanting to set up a meeting sometime in the next week to find out more about what a ghost blogger does and what I could do to help their businesses.

In today’s world, most people understand the concept of a blog. In fact I’m finding more and more people (businesses) have their main sites developed on a blog platform (usually WordPress).

Then I ask the next question.

“When was the last time you blogged?”

And I get a lot of sheepish looks.

“I think the designer created a Welcome post when they designed it.”

“I’ve posted three times over the past two years.”

“I think I posted a few months ago … I can’t remember.”

Yep, that’s usually the answers I get.

The only way a blog will truly help you reach out to your target audience is if you blog on a regular basis.4 Reasons Its Time To Hire A Ghost Blogger

It’s the only reason your readers will come back again and again.

And it’s the only reason Google will give you the rankings you deserve for the content you provide.

Yet so few companies understand that and are willing to commit to blogging on a regular basis.

And that’s where ghost blogging comes into play.

Ghost Blogging Will Provide Content On A Regular Basis

The only way Google recognizes a blog and gives them the ranking they deserve is if it knows you are building a quality site. Google loves content. Google loves quality content. Give it as much as you can on a regular basis, and you’ll be rewarded with higher and higher search rankings.

Ghost Blogging Will Provide Quality Keywords

Have you ever written a post titled “Testimonials”? Have you ever found a client searched Google for the work “Testimonial” and found you? Nope, I’m guessing not either. Yet I see tons of business owners making this mistake every day. Google ranks you for what you write about. Google isn’t a mind reader; it can only rank you for the content you provide. With a ghost blogger, you’ll get top quality keywords in every post – things your clients are searching for every day.

Ghost Blogging Won’t Have Excuses

When you hire a ghost blogging service, you’ll have quality content going onto your blog at designated times … guaranteed. You won’t hear “we had too much on our plate this week” or “we had a deadline on another project”. If you don’t have someone dedicated to blogging, chances are it will get sidelined for “bigger” or “more important” things. Hire a ghost blogging service to help you, and you’ll never hear the excuses again.

Ghost Blogging Is The Base Of Your Online Marketing System

Trying to make a difference this year in your online strategy? Starting up a Facebook account, or adding content to LinkedIn? If any of the many social sites are on your list of marketing to-do’s this year, start with your blogging strategy first. With your blog’s content, you own the content and can direct potential customers wherever you choose. Facebook and LinkedIn are free – and they can change direction any time they choose. But if you develop a strong blog presence filled with great content, you can use that content over and over again – newsletters, email campaigns, posts on your Facebook newsfeed, and so much more.

It all starts with quality content created through ghost blogging.

We write it. You own it. You get all the credit.

What could be better than that?