Have a blog? Then you probably understand how difficult it can be coming up with new things to write about again and again. And again.

You probably started out with good intentions. You wrote faithfully day after day, week after week. Until life got in the way.

And then things changed.

A client had an “emergency”, which means everything else was put on hold while you put that fire out.

Or you took a long weekend with four days off. And of course that meant playing catch up for the next week – and the blogging was put on hold.

Or maybe you had every intention of writing. You were even poised at the computer, hands above the keyboard ready to type. What do you type about? After surfing aimlessly for 30 minutes with no concrete idea in mind, you eventually shut everything down.

Yep, writing can be difficult. Especially if writing isn’t your favorite thing to do. In fact, people usually come up with three reasons why blogging is hard for them:

1. Thinking of things to write about is difficult

2. Finding the time to blog is difficult

3. Writing in a responsive manner is difficult

You probably see yourself in one of those three statements. All can be legitimate reasons for holding you back, and not accomplishing what you set out to do.

Yet all can have solutions as well if you put your mind to it.

Thinking of Ideas

Lets start with a few tools to come up with things to write about.

What do your clients think?
Clients are always filled with ideas and can help you come up with dozens of new topic ideas. As you are meeting them, whether its for the first time in a pre-sales consultation, a client meeting, or a follow up conversation, have a pen and paper handy and write down their questions and comments.

If you see questions popping up again and again, this is a sure indication of a place your clientele needs more education. And a perfect place to start writing and creating blog content.

30 days
There is something about brainstorming that works well, no matter what you are trying to accomplish. If I asked you to come up with one thing you want to do around your home this weekend, you would probably stop to think about it. But if I asked you to give me 30 things you want to do around your home this summer, I’m sure the list would quickly form itself.

One thing is concrete. You must settle on the one thing you wish to do, which puts importance and relevance on that one project. So you stop to think about it to determine if that is the best thing you could do with your time.

Yet by coming up with a list of 30 items, there is no measurement in place. It’s a “wish list”, even if you have every intention of completing all tasks. 30 times also allows you to put things together and build off of a previous idea. Things naturally go together and feed one item into the next when you are giving it your full attention.

Give it a try. You’ll see how easy the ideas pop into place.

Finding the time

Once you have ideas in mind, the next part is scheduling the time to actually create your blog content.

If you have a client meeting, you put it on the schedule and are in place waiting for when they arrive. If you have a doctor’s appointment, you leave your home or office in time to drive over and check in on time – all thanks to putting a note on your calendar.

Why don’t you schedule the time you need to write as well?

If you make writing a priority – and it should be; it is a marketing tool – then you’ll create the time to do it.

Creating responsive content

And finally it may come down to the thought of having to create blog content that is motivational, attracts visitors that want to read what you wrote, and motivates them to take action.

You never liked English class in school, and it takes you hours to write a simple letter. Do you really want to try and create fresh content on a regular basis?

In today’s world, its not a necessity to do it all by yourself. In fact there is an easy way to have great content on a timely basis – you get the credit and do little of the work.

Its called ghost blogging. A writing expert creates content targeted towards your niche and market, and you get all the credit.

If you can’t write, hate writing, or simply don’t have the time, what could be better?