What Not To Do Online: Meltdown 101

Remember when you used to be able to get angry, air your opinion, and move on? Not any more. In today’s fast paced world, if you take action before thinking, you could wind up in a whole lot of trouble very quickly. As evidenced by a recent breakdown of a Scottsdale,...

Longevity Of Blogging And Why It Matters

You start up a business. You understand the only way to make it succeed is to market it. So you choose a marketing method. Let’s say its an advertisement in a magazine. You spend the time putting together the ad, work with a graphic designer to make it professional,...
Why You Should Be Using Pinterest For Your Creative Business

Why You Should Be Using Pinterest For Your Creative Business

Just when you think you have Facebook and Twitter figured out, along comes another site you simply can’t ignore. Pinterest has been a major player in the marketplace for the past few months, and with good reason. Pinterest is a social site that calls themselves a...

What Is The ROI Of Your Social Media Campaign

Work for a company and trying to convince the CEO the power of social media? While most people can’t ignore the power of sites like Facebook and Twitter, the problem is getting a traditional company to buy into using it. I hear questions all the time like,...