Just when you think you have Facebook and Twitter figured out, along comes another site you simply can’t ignore.

Pinterest has been a major player in the marketplace for the past few months, and with good reason. Pinterest is a social site that calls themselves a virtual pinboard. It allows you to organize and share all of the beautiful things you find on the web. People use pinboards to plan their weddings, decorate their homes, organize their wardrobe/closet, and find favorite recipes. They use it to find interesting ideas and to share different things they love, for both home and office use.

Yet Pinterest is more than sharing information – its about sharing things in a visual way. The image attracts attention and makes people want to share. The more they share, the more exposure you will receive.

If you haven’t had a chance to check out Pinterest yet, now is the time. Use these ideas to set up and draw attention to your business.

Dedicate time

One of the key ways to make Pinterest work for you is to dedicate the time to make it work. If you’re active, others will notice and share what you pin. Its not like Facebook where newsfeeds can quickly get overwhelmed. You can dedicate even just a day or two with a few minutes each and quickly find a following. Start by following a few movers and shakers to see what they do. Then build contact and let the fun begin.

Keep it simple

Pinterest is attracting a heavy female audience. Its easy to use and because its visual in nature, you can quickly scan things and find something to share. Every board is set up in the same way, giving it a clean, uncluttered look. And every pinned photo includes a link back to your site, which can help boost the page views and attract attention to any specific post or content you desire.

Share the love

People have preferences for where they spend their time. If they love Facebook, they probably won’t dedicate a lot of time to your Twitter feed. Yet when they recognize a site and learn you have an account as well, they will quickly look you up and follow. Create Pinterest logo links from your blog and let people know where you are active.

Understand your demographics

Is Pinterest a place for you to attract potential business? Do a little research before you begin spending time developing your pin boards. Pinterest is very visual and highly concentrated in the female marketplace. If you have things to share visually – photography, art, weddings, fashion, decorating, crafts and more – it may be a place to explore. Make sure you understand what you will be promoting and what your overall goals and plans are for developing boards.

Its not about you

I’ve been to great profiles that have amazing boards. Most are themed in precise ways so people understand immediately what they will be looking at. Some things are about their businesses, yet most things are linked all over the web. What makes them great is they realize people want tips, resources and ideas related to your concept, yet don’t want to be overwhelmed with a sales pitch, no matter how subtle it is. If you have great advice, they will be back again and again.