How Your Sites Analytics Can Provide Ideas For Blog Topics

There are really two parts to coming up with your blog content. First you have to come up with a blog topic that ultimately leads to your title. Second, you have to be able to write a complete article – shoot for 400 to 800 words – in a reasonable amount of time....

Should You Use Comments On Your Blog?

If a prospect calls you and leaves a voice mail asking for more information about your services, you call them back. If you meet a potential customer in person and they have a question for you, you listen carefully and answer it as well as possible. If a client emails...
Why WordPress Is The Only Online Business Tool You Need

Why WordPress Is The Only Online Business Tool You Need

You have an idea. You want to develop your own service business and offer your consulting to your niche marketplace. Where do you start? With a WordPress site. You have a product you invented. You have the prototype in place and are now ready to market it to the...
The 5 Stages Of Writing The Perfect Blog Post

The 5 Stages Of Writing The Perfect Blog Post

What does it take to write the perfect blog post? If you’re not a writer, chances are it can be the most difficult thing in the world. All kinds of questions run through your head: What do I write about? How do I find the perfect picture/graphic? What about keywords?...

Finding Photographs and Graphics For Your Posts and Pages

With every post or page I create, I add at least one image that compliments the copy. I do this for a variety of reasons. 1. Photographs add visual space. People get tired of looking at long areas of copy, and photographs break up the monotony of the copy. 2. Graphics...