SEO Writer

So you’ve been writing your blog posts faithfully for a few weeks now. You have a lot of content on your blog, but you’re still not getting any traffic, or having any results. Should you just keep writing? Will the traffic eventually come? Is there something else to concentrate on?

Search engine optimization, or SEO, is the process of improving the volume of traffic delivered to your website or blog from the search engines from naturally placed search results.

Based on that, becoming a SEO writer means that you produce quality content in your blog posts that helps you generate that natural placement.

Dig Deeper>> How To Blog About Your Customers

How do you do that?

1. Write what your readers want to hear.
First of all, write what your readers want to hear, and what they are searching for online. If you are a plumber, they probably don’t want to hear a sales pitch on why they should replace their water heaters. Instead, they are searching because they have a problem. A typical search may be:

What does the pinging noise in my water heater mean?


What’s the most efficient water heater for my home?

Your writing isn’t about you. It’s about what your clients want to hear.

2. Create your subjects around what they search for.
Start with the average question someone uses when they call into your office. If you hear the same question again and again, that’s a great topic for a blog post.

Using that as your starting point, create your title around that idea. Then fill your blog post content with information to support your title.

Too often I see titles such as “testimonial” or “My Company gets a new client”. Have you ever had a prospect find you by looking up “testimonial” in the phone book, or typing “testimonial” into Google? It’s just not going to happen. So you need to think like your customer, and create content based on what your customer thinks.

3. Fill in with keyword and key phrase ideas.
I’ve also heard people say, “I just don’t have anything to talk about in my blog.” How many ways could you talk to a potential client?

Start with your FAQ, or frequently asked questions. What do people want to know about your business? Then find dozens of ways to talk about those questions. Because people will have dozens of ways of asking the same question, only in their own language.

People want understanding and solutions. If you provide them with both, and a person can see himself or herself in your blog post, you’re on track to a new customer.