“I’m a small, one person holistic business. It’s just me, so I run everything from taking out the trash to helping provide excellent service for my clients. I’m intrigued by ghost blogging, and would love to have someone help me out with my content on my site. But is it ethical? Shouldn’t everything written on my site be from me? Shouldn’t it be about my personality, my beliefs, and showcase who I am to my potential customers? I’ve had this conversation with other holistic business owners in my building, and it’s the one thing that keeps holding me back.”

Great question, and it’s actually one we answer quite frequently. A great number of the clients we ghost blog for are one person businesses just like yours, and here’s why.Is Ghost Blogging A Bad Idea?

As a solopreneur, you run every aspect of the business. Like you mentioned, you perform every function within your business, from taking out the trash to providing the best customer service possible.

Solopreneurs do it all. But as a solopreneur, there are some things you do better than others, and there are some things that provide more money – more profit – to your business than others.

Some tasks, like taking out the trash, do nothing for your business, but it still has to be done. You can do it on your way out of the office in the evenings, or hire a commercial cleaning company to do it for you.

Data entry and performing yearly accounting functions are things you can easily release to an accountant. Not only will the process be completed faster, it can also steer you towards making better business decisions.

Dig Deeper: Ghostwriting For Blogs

And then there’s marketing. Every business has to balance full time marketing with servicing their existing clientele in order to remain in business. If you stop marketing, your client base will dry up, and eventually lead you to closing your doors forever.

Blogging is a marketing strategy. It’s a tool in your marketing toolbox. It’s a way of educating your prospects and client base about your industry, your niche, and what you do. It’s a way of connecting up with your prospects and clients, building a deep relationship with them, and keeping them interested in what you have to offer.

Dig Deeper: 5 Ways A Ghost Blogger Can Make Your Blog Profitable

Your prospects and customers look to you for knowledge and advice, but they also know that what you provide for free is surface level content. Your deep-seeded knowledge – the stuff they know they have to pay for – is what they will receive after they pay you and agree to work with you.

The surface content is what makes them think. It’s what helps them re-frame their questions in different ways, and see you as the solution provider. It showcases why you are the expert. It provides resources because you are the expert. It educates people on what’s happening in the industry.

It doesn’t provide the trade secret stuff that makes you you.

If you’ve ever read a book by some of the most well known celebrities of our time, chances are it was written by a ghost writer. They know how to ask the right questions, process the right materials, and write in a manner that supports everything the celebrity “writer” wants to share.

Ghost blogging is no different. A ghost blogger asks the right questions, processes the right materials, and writes blog posts in a manner that supports your business and the clientele you are trying to attract.

Plus it’s posted to your blog every week, like clockwork, helping you market your business all the time.

Can you fill in your blog with other posts, making it more personalized and directly from you? Of course. That’s what gives your blog an added boost.

But knowing every week your marketing – your blog posts – are written in a manner your clients and prospects want, helping you gain the traction you need in the online world, it’s a very good place to start.