There are two factors to driving traffic to your site.

The first is content. You have to provide content regularly to all of your online tools in order to attract the right kind of visitor.

The second is to post at the right time of day to be in front of as many people as possible.

The tricky thing is deciding the best timeframe for it all.What Are The Best Times To Tweet, Post To Facebook, Email, and Blog?


Because Twitter seems to have shorter posts and be used primarily on mobile devices, it has a stronger usage when a person has a few minutes to spare. The commute in the morning, followed by lunch period, and afternoon commutes into the dinner hour tend to have the highest levels of engagement.

Because Twitter also tends to be more brand/company friendly, the week engagement rates tend to be higher than weekend engagement.


As with any social media site, the best way to answer the question is to start with who your target audience is. Are they business people? Stay at home moms? Students? Consumers?

Industry specifics will change from industry to industry, but as a whole engagement is larger towards the end of the week (Thursdays and Fridays), and will be higher on weekends than during the week. The more people have time to relax and play, the more they don’t want to work and won’t to discover what to do over the weekend, the more active they will be on Facebook.

The best time of day tends to be in the afternoon. People get their work done in the morning, and tend to spend time surfing and “killing time” in the afternoon hours. Keep in mind that you should consider this based on where your target market is. If you’re targeting in Australia and the US, you’ll have two different time periods to play with.


While email is often thought of as a dead media source, the truth is it still gets action from a wide array of demographics. The key is knowing who your audience is and the best way to approach them.

Overall, email has a fairly stable statistics pattern that you can follow to make the most of your email campaigns.

Consumer based emails have the best chance of being opened in the early to mid morning hours. Most ezines, news and magazine updates are read over the lunch hour. Most financial related emails are opened and addressed at the mid afternoon to business closing period of the day, and consumer ads and promotions are most popular in the early to mid evening hours.

Again, its important to know who your target market is and where they are in the world when you release your emails to have the best chance of opening and engagement.


When should you be posting your blog posts? Statistics show most people read their favorite blogs early in the morning. Because favorite blogs are treated in similar fashion as we would our newspapers or magazines, the key to getting them read is to be regular about when you post more so than the exact time of the day. If you promise a post every morning Monday through Friday, make sure you deliver.

And because you can use your blog post again and again as you create posts in your social media accounts, you can also play around with engagement by driving traffic back to your blog at different points of the day.

While there is no steadfast rule about the perfect time to release any kind of content, the key is in your delivery. Don’t be afraid to test all kinds of things, and track your results as you do it. The more you find something works, add more to determine how well it will work for you.

And remember, this industry changes all the time. What works well today may not be the best course of action tomorrow. Keep playing.