If you aren’t getting results from the way you blog, its probably not your blog’s fault, its your content. You probably haven’t designed a content strategy that allows the RIGHT posts to be fed in at regular intervals, all that specifically address what YOUR clients are searching for right now.

Most people jump into blogging and social media because it’s the “thing to do”. Once they have an account open and a profile set up, they start posting content willy nilly about whatever they are thinking in the moment. The problem with this approach is that you may be writing about topics that your clients have no desire to search for or learn more about.

Instead, you should be writing content that laser focuses in on the one topic that’s the most important part of your business.

That doesn’t mean you can’t write about other things, or use different approaches. It just means that every post you create as a potential traffic driver meets very specific requirements for its ultimate purpose.

So how do you find your #1 topic?

Start by asking yourself these questions.The #1 Thing You Should Be Blogging About

  • What is the most popular question potential clients ask me?
  • What is the root of the problem that leads prospects to my door?
  • What is the most important need each of my customers has before working with me?
  • What would people type into Google in order to find me?
  • Where do I provide the most value for my customers?
  • If I had to define my business in just a few words, I would want to be known as “The _________ Guru”. (A couple of examples would be “The Get Into College Fast Guru” or “The Stop Smoking In 30 Days Guru”. While you don’t have to use this phrase in your marketing, just by refining your thinking to a few words, it can help you laser focus in on what you choose to provide for your customers.)

Now that you’ve determined what your number one topic is for your blog, you can easily start brainstorming different ways of approaching it for your upcoming blog posts. Sit down and brainstorm 25 to 50 content ideas that you can write on in the coming weeks and months. Don’t stop at 1 or 2; by having a wide selection, it will make your job easier, and help you fight “writers block” the next time you sit down in front of the computer.

And if you haven’t downloaded our brand new 2015 The Social Ghost Blogging Calendar, do it today. Its filled with ideas on how to determine perfect blog post titles, and helps you keep it all in one convenient format, ready to use each time you sit down to create new content.