Is content part of your marketing plan for 2013 and beyond? If not, it may be time to think twice.

While I’ve been marketing with content and storytelling for years now, I’m seeing a definite trend for 2013.

All through my business career, I’ve always realized as a small business I can look to large corporations for marketing advice. Because large corporations have millions to spend on their marketing strategies, they know what works and what doesn’t, and spend the time testing and evaluating to come up with the best combinations possible.

When they do something, you can better believe there is full intent behind it.

Since small business owners can’t afford at the same rate, we can watch and learn. Now with the Internet, that’s easier than ever.

Coca-Cola came out with their marketing mission statement – Content 2020. Put aside some time and watch – you’ll learn a ton from a company that knows what its doing, and has put a lot of time and thought into this process.



In particular on video 2 around the 3:30 mark, they go over their 70/20/10 content model – something we can all listen to and take seriously.

I’ll be watching this presentation several times in the coming weeks as I begin to put together my own content plan. With all of their great advice, consider it your own personal coaching session – absolutely free.

Enjoy – what do you think? I’d love to hear your comments.