Ghost Blogging Case Study – Howie – Quality 1st Plumbing

TheSocialGhost Ghost Blogging Case Study 1

“TheSocialGhost designed both my website and my blog, and I was excited about the potential of finding clients online. After several months, I knew there was no way I could blog on a regular basis, and run my business at the same time. So I used their ghost blogging services as well. In just a few short months, I’ve seen a ton of traffic come to my blog, I’m coming up high on search engines for my keywords, and my business is booming!”

Howie Metz, Quality 1st Plumbing


Quality 1st Plumbing is a plumbing company dedicated to providing plumbing services within its local community. When Howie originally started the company, he knew his biggest area of growth was in the online world – its the best place to find new customers – so that’s where he put his time and energy.

Over and over again its paid off as he continues to rank higher in the search engines, capture a larger audience share with his keywords, and help provide quality information to people that visit his site.

Here at TheSocialGhost, we continually provide quality content he can use not only to attract potential customers, but also to educate his existing clientele as he reaches out to them. We start by creating quality content in the form of a blog post. Where you choose to post and use your content from that point forward is up to you. Social sites like Facebook? Newsletters? Brochures? We produce quality content – you gain the benefits of being able to use it everywhere.

What we include in content

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