12 Types Of Content And Why We Want It

What type of content do you produce for your online presence?

What kinds of content do you look at regularly?

Do those two match?

If not, why not?

The easiest way to determine what you should write about every single day is to look first at the type of content you look at every single day.

Yes, in some cases your content may be based on a problem that people only face once in a while. I won’t be looking for a wedding photographer once I’m married, and I won’t be looking for a drain cleaner if my drain is working fine.

Yet even if you are looking for a wedding photographer or a plumber to clean your drain, there are things you look for when searching out the best.

And that’s the kind of content you should be producing.

1. Content that allows us to dream

2. Content that gives us confidence to reach for bigger things

3. Content that allows us to understand the basics

4. Content that tells a story

5. Content that takes us on a journey

6. Content that inspires us

7. Content that makes us laugh and smile

8. Content that surprises us

9. Content that confirms our ideas and assumptions

10. Content that reveals secrets others may not know

11. Content that entertains

12. Content that gives us a fresh point of view

Do you see your content in any of these? If not, it may be time to change it up and create a fresh new approach to the content you create every day.

People head online to escape their current situation. Even if they are dealing with a plumbing issue and they can’t use the kitchen until they find a plumber and fix the drain, they still want to find some inspiration in the process.

Be that person.